"But seeing they could not See; hearing they could not Hear"
“The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Weather Service or affiliate/related organizations. Please consult .gov sites for official information”

"From its chamber comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds." - Job 37:9.

"The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course".

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tornado Account - Part III (Courtesy of Weatherwise)

Drops of water were hitting my face

across the room. I tried to assure her.

"That gust always comes ahead of a

rainsquall," I shouted.

But there was no abatement in the

deafening hubbub outside. I know it

was growing in intensity by the second,

and-realized that a tornado was

right on us. I yelled in my wife's ear:

"Everybody in the back room: Get

under the bed!"

'~ .. the side offhe room

came in as if driven by one

mighty blow of a gigantic

sledge hammer."

Under a foolish impulse I jumped to

the south window for a last look outside

before following the family. As I did so

the overhead light went off (3:04 p.m.,

as shown later by our electric clock).

Between the flashes of lightning it was

as dark as midnight, but by shielding

my eyes I could see somewhat. I saw

that my neighbor's house across the

vacant lot was standing, but trees and

shrubbery out that way were flattened

almost to the ground. From the course

the planks, sheet-iron, and other debris

took as they 'flailed over the lot, I saw

that the wind was from due west. It

was a grim perspective, but out of it all

I gathered a bit of hope.

The wind was from the west! It

should have been from the south. While

a tornado, as a whole, moves generally

eastward, the funnel itself rotates

counterclockwise, and the west wind

indicated that we were in the southern

edge of the twister. It, apparently, was

passing just north of us. And too, the

vivid lightning and rending crashes

were passing on and there was now a

decided lull in the screeching roar


And then very suddenly, when I was

in the middle ofthe room, there was no

74 Weatherwise

noise of any kind. It had ceased exactly

as if hands had been placed over my

ears, cutting off all sound, except for

the extraordinary hard pulse beats in

my ears and head, a sensation I had

never experienced before in my life.

But I could still feel the house tremble

and shake under the impact of the

wind. A little confused, I started over

to look out the north door, when I saw

it was growing lighter in the room.

The light, though, was so unnatural

in appearance that I held the thought

for a moment that the house was on

fire. The illumination had a peculiar

bluish tinge, but I could see plainly. I

saw the window curtains lying flat

against the ceiling, and saw loose

papers and magazines packed in a big

wad over the front door. Others were

circling about the room, some on the

floor and others off it. I came out of my

bewilderment enough to make a break

for the back of the house.

But I never made it. There came a

tremendous jar, the floor slid viciously

under my feet, and I was almost thrown

down. My hat, which I had not removed,

was yanked off my head, and

all around objects flashed upward. I

sensed that the roof of the house was


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